Holy Week is celebrated very differently here in Guatemala. They have fun activities all over the country and the Children's Home has it's own set of traditions for the week. The week started with a soccer tournament all day Monday, and on Tuesday they all went to a water park. We didn't get back from our trip to the States until Wednesday afternoon. We hit the ground running with the start of the annual Semana Santa Olympic Games. We were spilt into four teams that would compete for three days in a row in games, Bible-quizzing, and decorating for different theme nights.

On Wednesday we started the games off with racing and obstacle courses. Later at dinner we had a "Beach Party" theme night, and every team decorated their area and themselves to look beach ready. That same night every house had a slumber party and the older girls stayed at our place. It was a blast, but I didn't get sleep for a full 24 hours!

Beach Party!

On Thursday afternoon we had games like dodge ball and capture the flag. At dinner the theme night was "The Zoo." We had all kinds of kids dressed up as animals and the whole dinning hall turned into a literal Zoo!

Capture the Flag!

The Zoo
On Friday we ended the weeks Olympics with Water games! We all got wet and were freezing. The last event was a tug-o-war in a mud trench! All the kids love to get muddy, and they love to see the adults getting in the muddy water as well. That night's theme was the Galla! Everyone dressed in their best outfits and decorated their tables to look fancy.


We dressed to IMPRESS
Joy's team won the Olympics for the week, and Jared's came in second. All the kids had a fun time celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
On Saturday all the kids got to decorate and dye Easter-Eggs for the Hunt. That night we had a progressive dinner within the Children’s home, and we ended the night with a bonfire and smores.

Sunday morning we had a service on-site and then ate a wonderful breakfast all together. We were so blessed to be here and celebrate this wonderful day with all the kids and staff of NLCH.
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