It has been a CrAzY last couple of weeks for us. For our first 2 weeks living at the children's home full-time, it has been non-stop going. Our first week back we had a team come in and put on a Youth Conference for our kids. It was amazing to see how lives were impacted for Christ. The Lord used the speaking and lesson times to really minister into the kids lives. The team also helped us to make a prayer room that will be open for anyone to come and just spend time alone with God. They lined the walls with black paper so that people could write or draw on them. It is now covered with scriptures, prayers, and beautiful drawings. This is a very special place, and I pray that it continues to be used by the kids in the future.
Last week was a fun-filled week of CAMP for our younger kids. The kids look forward to camp all year long, and now I understand why! It was a blast. The team that put on the camp did an amazing job and blessed all of us tremendously.